Tuesday, June 1, 2010

6 May 2010 (Thursday)

Today we went to Kingfisher Cove Site, to inspect the total progress of the project. we were accompanied by Mrs. Ima (SUDC's Engineer). When we reached there, we were welcome by the site supervisor, Mr. Fabian Sikawah.Even though this was only a short visit, but i managed too to learn a lot of things regarding "Site Experience".In the picture:1) Pouring concrete from the lorry to skip.

2) A worker doing the slump test.
3) "Shear Slump" with a 150mm fall, considered acceptable workability for concrete grade 30.

-Formwork for footing
-Inside get the pre-cast reinforced concrete piling.

-Picture shows the reinforcement bar for better mechanical anchoring into concrete
-Picture also shows the type of bonding for those re-bars.
-will be inserted to the footing formwork.

-pouring concrete into the formwork. U can see the workers holding the vibrator. This equipment is to allow a proper compaction within the concrete. Hence maximum strength can be achieved by the concrete.

-examples of finished "footing".

-by using plumb attached to a stingy string.
-to maintain vertical level of the bricks.

-this is the Exmet wire which are placed on each 4 layers of bricks to improve bonding.

-conduit system running in and through the beam of the club house.

-Lintel Beam which is the support member of the structure. Help to support the load from the bricks above. usually founded in the structure on where there is an opening. ( exp; window, door)

-Dowwel Bar. Increase the strength of the wall build attached with the column. (Example is when they fix the bricks from this wall.) It also helps to transfer load to main part of the structure.

-On the surface of the column, a cement were placed on the column is to indicate the height during the plastering. so they can achieved a well leveled surface of finishing.

-main hole, part of the drainage system.

-safety measurement is taken seriously. Safety warning are placed where it is needed. Tools and raw materials are well organized.

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