Wednesday, June 2, 2010

19 May 2010 (Wednesday)

- We went to SabaConcrete mixing site here in Telipok, half and hour drive from Kota Kinabalu.- We were brought here by Mr.Desmond. He is the site supervisor from KM. Piling Sdn Bhd. The reason he brought us here is to expose on their operation on handling and mixing concrete before they are send to Construction site.

- Lucky for us, as we are given the opportunity to watch the cube test . A briefed explanation was given about the outcome result, and how it will effect the project involving their product (concrete).

Concrete Cube and the curing tank.

The person in charge in charge of the quality control of the concrete, Mr. Mohd Said .

The result obtained from the test.


- Later on the evening of the day, we started on making "rumbai" for the Kaamatan Ceremony this coming Friday. A lot of work, but yet it is enjoyable. We will use these rumbai for decoration in the multi purpose hall tomorrow.

Rumbaiii... made out of brown paper :)

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