Sunday, May 23, 2010

7 April 2009 (New Beginning)

It was roughly around 8.00am when I arrived at the premises of Sabah Urban Development Corporation (SUDC) to report for duty. Feeling somewhat tense at that time, as I kept on smiling at everyone who passed me by, anxiously waiting for the officer-in-charge to assist me in settling down and hence delegate my duties. Come 30 minutes later, I was approached by a lady, introducing herself as Pn. Kalsum Ag.Hashim, the Executive Officer of Human Resource department. Politely I was ushered into her office for some formal introductions and instructions.

I was given a new copy of letter of offer. Previously, it has been agreed that my practical will commence on the 5th of April, but due to some unforeseen events, the company postponed the starting date to the 7th of April instead.

Firstly, she brought me to the Human Resources department, introduced me to the others, and thereafter showed me my new work station. For the first two days, I will be attached with Human Resources Department to foresee the basic under-goings and process flow.

1st task as a trainee: Photocopied some documents given by my Supervisor, be a dispatch boy within the department, done some faxing over, etc. May seem like a trivial of a task, but I deemed it is important for my own all the same.

2nd task: Done some work that is related to documentation. Assisted by Senior Clerk Encik Aslam Muis, I learned how to handle most of the documents including Incoming and Outgoing letters, and also on filing and sorting out their manuscripts.

These are basically what I have gone through for my first two days on set in SUDC. Tasks that may seem insignificant to some, but I view them as eminent as how i could adapt to the structure of what reality world really is about.

Right now, I am feeling boisterous on my future delegations.

-> in the picture shows Pn.Kalsum brief us on our first work as a trainee in the company.

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