Sunday, May 23, 2010

15 April 2010

Today I finally start at the Business Development Department. Again, I was introduced to the staff within this department, which consists of no more than 5 staff altogether; 3 clerical/administrators, one Assistant Manager and one Senior Manager. This department is one of the company’s core departments as they would initiate each project’s evaluation. They would conduct the necessary market analysis and research; do its cost estimation and selling price, overheads to incur, and other crucial analysis needed. But since there are no new upcoming projects, this department is somewhat slow moving for the time being.

Through this department also I got to observe how they deal with their audits, specifically for their Department, to have them inline and accredited for the ISO this coming May. I also learnt that they do comparison between their competitors and also comparing their internal market research against the outcome from the company’s business and project consultant. I was also briefed on the contents of the proposal, which are the main core elements to pay more attention to and such.

I will be attached to this department till next week, Tuesday, before advising me if I am ready to go to the company’s project sites. Again, I wait in anticipation.

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