Sunday, May 23, 2010

5 Mei 2010 (wednesday)

I was told that tomorrow I will start venturing out to the sites. So before doing so I have to learn all the basic stuff and technicalities of the projects.

First and foremost I learn the drawing plan for piling. Understand the placement for each set, the footing size, and many more. next is to study on "Proper Concreting for Engineers Inspection". This is crucial as to when the time for me to watch and oversee the construction workers. i would have a general idea about their work quality and such. again, I was briefed on the safety measures and equpements useful at the site later.

Later during the day, Ms Nurziah who is also the Supervisor for the Project Department brought myself and another trainee to get safety boots for tomorrow's use.

-> cheap2 one only mah. hahaha

Someone's Birthday todayyyy!!

4 May 2010 (Tuesday)

Today, the auditors from SIRIM came to the office for compliance check. I assisted in getting the documents ready for the officers from SIRIM to conduct their thorough checking of complaince auditing check ups.
Thereafter, I went back into the Project Department and assisted them in compiling all documents and project files necessary for audit checks.

Since these need vast amount of effort, and also my first time, I spent the whole day segregating and rearranging the files ready for audit.

28 April 2010 ( Wednesday)

Today I am still being stationed in the sane department, which is the MC. I was told that I will be sticking around here for another few days until Friday. So this entry shall be a compilation of these days incorporated.

I am asked to go to the Finance Department to seek information on how funds were acquired for the MC. Again I was briefly informed by the officer inside the Finance Department.

Upon getting the answer to all the necessary details needed, again I head back to the MC and further studied the types of land title, the differences between strata land and land title, how they cooperate with Land&Survey and Personal Relations department.

I then get to read up on the customers' files; reports from customers about dissatisfactory units of theirs, faulty items imbedded inside, fees incorporated, and other such matters.

27 April 2010 ( Tuesday)

Today, I was stationed to the Management Corporation (MC). Here, I was Brought to Mr. Bonnie Majulin, the Executive for the Property Service. Here I get to learn and absorb knowledge about the control areas for the MC, how they do in conducting tasks, and all matters related.

At the second half of the day, I was told to study the land enactment that comprises land title issues and such. Since this is a rather complicated area, I only managed to highlight simple ones:

1) Management Corporation = a body corp orated having perpetual succesion and a common seal.
2) Differences between the land title and strata title.
3)the list of duty for MC.
4) the authorities that was given to MC in certain aspects.

22 April 2010 (Thursday)

Today I started of by compiling the previous minutes in the files of the Kingfisher project, Eastern Plaza for the Finance Department. Then, i assisted Pn.Rosnah Tanakal in keyeing in the names of purchasers for Kuhara Court in Tawau. Some 181 names of owners were keyed into the system. Whilst doing so, i went over some of the important details that I need to know other than the names of owners, such as insurance coverage, etc.

That was all that I was told to do for today.

21 April 2010 (Wednesday)

After spending several days inside the BDD, i was again tranfered to the Finance Department, under the supervision of Mr. Haizar Razif. Mr. Haizar is the Assistant Manager for this department.

I was briefed on the functions and responsibility of this department, and thereafter I was given simple tasks to start of with. However, due to their privacy and confidentiality policies to protect their information, i was not given access to any of these files or anything similar in context of work.

This was what I did for the day.

15 April 2010

Today I finally start at the Business Development Department. Again, I was introduced to the staff within this department, which consists of no more than 5 staff altogether; 3 clerical/administrators, one Assistant Manager and one Senior Manager. This department is one of the company’s core departments as they would initiate each project’s evaluation. They would conduct the necessary market analysis and research; do its cost estimation and selling price, overheads to incur, and other crucial analysis needed. But since there are no new upcoming projects, this department is somewhat slow moving for the time being.

Through this department also I got to observe how they deal with their audits, specifically for their Department, to have them inline and accredited for the ISO this coming May. I also learnt that they do comparison between their competitors and also comparing their internal market research against the outcome from the company’s business and project consultant. I was also briefed on the contents of the proposal, which are the main core elements to pay more attention to and such.

I will be attached to this department till next week, Tuesday, before advising me if I am ready to go to the company’s project sites. Again, I wait in anticipation.

13 April 2010

I started the week of by being posted to the Sales & Services Department. Its supervisor, Ms. Evangeline Banis briefed on the function within her department and their organizational chart. I was given to study the Sales and Purchase (S&P) document / agreement, what is dictated within its context, its critical parts, and other legal sections.

Thereafter, I was attached to the sales people to oversee how they contact and engage conversations with a potential prospect, getting confirmation for purchases, set up appointments for signing of S&P, so on and so forth. I was also attached to the after-sales service unit with Ms. Nadia, who deals in rental performance and other services. I was also briefed on other ways to aid customers who have glitch in their loan application.

At my desk, I prepared files and other documents for potential prospects. I will be attached to this department for 3 days till Thursday, running the same tasks.

here are some of the things I learned in this department:

1) The selling and marketing administrative process can be represented as follow:

2) As for the sales person, it is crucial moment for the client to take the money out of his/her pocket and sign on the booking performa.

3) Execution of sale and purchase agreement (SPA) is the next important step after (2).

-> Picture shows the front page of an example (SPA) documents.

9 April 2010 (Friday)

I was back in Human Resource Department to aid Pn.Kalsum on managing the overview Movement April 2010 list. It was a simple job, but a lot that has to be done. First, I collected the entire staff attendance card or ‘punch card’, and then we analyzed the late comers from the list. Any staff that is on leave or absent, we would compare it with the data gathered from the Leave Card file list. All these were keyed in into the system for HR Department’s storage for any subsequent note or action to be taken. That is basically what was going on from my side for today.

in the picture below: 1) Leave card
2) Daily Movement for Arpil 2010
3) Punch card

8 April 2010 (thursday)

It is now day 2.
Mr.Conrad from the Sales and Service Department brought me and another trainee to conduct a site visit. The first place he brought us was the Kingfisher Cove construction site. Kingfisher Cove is one of SUDC's residential project developments. 34 units of Modern-style 3-storey and another 44 units of duplexes residential houses are still currently under construction. Mr. Conrad briefed us with the general overview of this project apart from touring. Basically this visit was to give some sort of exposure; skills to acquire whilst observing certain criterion's on selling and promoting the company’s project, although not cohesively. That would be on a later stage.

After lunch break, we then head over to another of the company's residential projects, Lok Kawi Heights. This project is more on apartments / modern flats type of lodging. We were introduced to Encik Wan Mahmud, the person in charge of managing Lok Kawi Heights. Again we were briefed on the types of apartment units, its selling prices for each type and comprising fees structured within, and other basic information that we should know as basic points.
Conclusively, from the first site visit, we learnt how to analyse the advantages and disadvantages for each project, based on the geographical conditions and area, the designs, the selling price versus current market value of properties within its surrounding areas, among other things. To conclude, we have to know how to strategically do placements of projects, what works best within its economies of scale, and be sensitive to any problems or forthcoming issues raised to balance demand and not to oversupply, to put it to the best layman term.

7 April 2009 (New Beginning)

It was roughly around 8.00am when I arrived at the premises of Sabah Urban Development Corporation (SUDC) to report for duty. Feeling somewhat tense at that time, as I kept on smiling at everyone who passed me by, anxiously waiting for the officer-in-charge to assist me in settling down and hence delegate my duties. Come 30 minutes later, I was approached by a lady, introducing herself as Pn. Kalsum Ag.Hashim, the Executive Officer of Human Resource department. Politely I was ushered into her office for some formal introductions and instructions.

I was given a new copy of letter of offer. Previously, it has been agreed that my practical will commence on the 5th of April, but due to some unforeseen events, the company postponed the starting date to the 7th of April instead.

Firstly, she brought me to the Human Resources department, introduced me to the others, and thereafter showed me my new work station. For the first two days, I will be attached with Human Resources Department to foresee the basic under-goings and process flow.

1st task as a trainee: Photocopied some documents given by my Supervisor, be a dispatch boy within the department, done some faxing over, etc. May seem like a trivial of a task, but I deemed it is important for my own all the same.

2nd task: Done some work that is related to documentation. Assisted by Senior Clerk Encik Aslam Muis, I learned how to handle most of the documents including Incoming and Outgoing letters, and also on filing and sorting out their manuscripts.

These are basically what I have gone through for my first two days on set in SUDC. Tasks that may seem insignificant to some, but I view them as eminent as how i could adapt to the structure of what reality world really is about.

Right now, I am feeling boisterous on my future delegations.

-> in the picture shows Pn.Kalsum brief us on our first work as a trainee in the company.